Thursday, August 15, 2013

My first post on our new blog...

This title has nothing to do with the post but it is the first post so I didn't want to get too caught up with clever titles just yet. ;)

There is nothing I love more than a good bargain! While I love to catch a sale or stack up on coupons to get a better price, I am no where near the level most "couponers" are. I do, however, love to find good deals on eBay. This is sometimes difficult to do but this summer alove, I have already saved over $50 buying curriculum on eBay. (And it's gently use! No writing, highlighting, tears or anything! Just gently used and ready for a new owner.) Not to mention the money saved by shopping around and looking for sales at area stores.

We piece together our own curriculum (for various reasons, mostly because I don't like this from this company or that from that company) so shopping for curriculum is overwhelming enough as it is but knowing where to look and what you're looking for is a huge help.

Saving money has been a huge boost of moral for me so I really hope this positivity carries over into September, when our school year officially begins. :)